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Update April 25, 2013:  Articles 59 & 60 did not pass

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These proposed bylaws pertain to domestic pet cats only, 

and exclude feral cats. 

Article 59 delivers many benefits to Concord residents who are cat owners.

   click here to read Article 59: Registration of Cats

While I support keeping cats indoors or within the confines of one's yard, this bylaw does not penalize all owners who allow cats to roam-free outdoors, but rather, proposes a response to one's concern for safety, nuisance or disturbing of the peace

   click here to read Article 60: Cats Trespassing


Why you should vote YES for Article 59:

  compliance is completely voluntary; 

  it was designed as a public service, focusing on the public good;

  there are no penalties if you do not abide by the bylaw;

  the fee is "per household” vs. for each pet cat in the household;

  your cat is not required to wear a collar;

  arrangements have been made with a leading microchip company to provide free microchips to Concord pet owners;

  your cat’s profile will be in a database that will assist in locating your pet should it get lost.

  being able to identify whether a cat has been vaccinated can eliminate the need for worry and/or precautionary measures should someone get bitten or scratched.


Why you should vote YES for Article 60:    

Stop. Listen. 

If you can hear the glorious songs of birds, the melodious ramblings of frogs, or the shrill pitch from a scurrying chipmunk, then you have been privileged with hearing the dawn of Spring. 

Stop. Look. 

If you can see playful squirrels dashing around trees, or Robins, Bluebirds and Chickadees splashing in the water, or shadows of wildlife climbing through the woods, then you’ve witnessed the birth of Spring. Concord has a history of recognizing and honoring the wonders of its natural surroundings. People from all over the globe come to Concord to celebrate these surroundings. Unfortunately, the historical canvas around us is crumbling: changes in our climate are affecting migratory patterns of birds, invasive plants and fauna are replacing native species, housing and construction are destroying mature trees, meadows and fields. There is only so much that our environment and wildlife can take before succumbing to the stressors. 

We need to hold onto our environment and wildlife, to experience nature's sensations in our own yards. Bringing in additional stressors is not the answer. Isn’t it time we come up with solutions to preserve what we hold dear? Isn’t it time to recognize our neighbors and respect their rights and properties? Yes, it is time to honor our neighbors – of all species. It is time to work together. 



updated August 12, 2013     send email