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Enclosures for Your Pet Cat 

  *  the photographs, information and links on this page are posted here, thanks to http://www.catsofaustralia.com; the ideas and images all belong to the noted individual / organization as cited and cannot be reproduced or distributed without permission.


please take your time browsing this site: it has terrific ideas for building your own

cat enclosure that is sure to please BOTH you and your cat! 


Outdoor Cat Runs

Cat Proof Fencing, Cat Enclosures, 
Cat Runs, Cat Tunnels & more
Ideas on how to build a safe Outdoor Cat Run or Cat Enclosure. 

Description: Cat Enclosure Cat Run - Outdoor
Keep scrolling down for more cat enclosure 
& cat run pictures

Our readers have been kind enough to share with us pictures of cat enclosures and cat runs they have built. Today's outdoor cat enclosure needn't be just a cat cage, it can be a piece of work to be proud of. What better example than the Deluxe cat enclosure built by Murray and Jeanette for their cats.

It is complete with pond, waterfall and tunnels for cats to explore.

Cat proof fences can enclose the whole or part of your yard giving your cat freedom to the outside world but within the safety of the confines of your garden. See photos below of cat proof fencing

A cat run built outside your house, maybe enclosing the side of your house as pictured below may be an option for you, or cat tunnels starting at your house with a cat flap and leading to an outdoor area might be what you are looking for. Cat tunnels are a fantastic way to let your cat outdoors. Marianna has a great idea with a series of cat tunnels that run through her yard leading to a cat playground and Cat Gym

Cat Netting for pet enclosures. You can use the special netting to to make a safe outdoor area for your cat. You could enclose the  patio or the side of the house. See pictures below.

There are several professional pet run builders. Cat Nip, Aussie Cat Enclosures, Catmax and Classic Pet Enclosures who specialise in building tunnels for cats, enclosures and cat netting to give your cat a taste of the great outdoors. Please visit their websites for further information. 

Whether you would like to build a DIY cat enclosure or get a professional builder to do it for you I am sure you will enjoy the following cat run and cat enclosure information, ideas and photos.

Sunni's Cat Enclosure (cat run)


Description: Cat Enclosure Cat Run - Outdoor

Description: Cat Enclosure Cat Run - Outdoor

Description: Cat Enclosure Cat Run - Outdoor

Description: Cat Enclosure Cat Run - Outdoor

We used a powder-coated steel dog run that we bought for about $350US.  Because our windows are high, we had to get creative with the roof.  We filled the gaps with painted plywood.  There's a rope cat scratch that gets used constantly.  The inside stump is also for scratching and sitting on.  (The one on the outside was just there temporarily, while we decided if we needed it or not.)

The lounge chair is for me on nice days, so I can read outside with a cat on my lap. There's now a covered cat box behind the chair 
that is used often.  Nice!  Less smell and tracked litter in the house! We live in a desert area so we stuck with gravel instead of grass


Isabella's Cat Enclosure (cat run)

Description: Cat Enclosure balcony

Description: Cat Enclosure Cat Run - Outdoor

Description: Cat Enclosure Cat Run - Outdoor


Description: Cat Enclosure Cat Run - Outdoor

Description: Cat Enclosure Cat Run - Outdoor

Description: Cat Enclosure Cat Run - Outdoor

All our cats are indoor cats with full access to our first floor balcony (which runs the length of our house) and a enclosure (we call it out "cat sun room") connected to the balcony located in our small garden. 
We built our enclosure extension at the end of 2005. The main enclosure extension is hexagonal shaped with a built in staircase connecting the enclosure to our first floor balcony. We have also installed blinds and vinyl water proofing to shelter our precious babies from the harsh weather. It is literally a dream house for any cat. I've been told by my friends that it is 6 star cat sun room. OUR CATS DO NOT SLEEP IN THE ENCLOSURE. THEY SLEEP ON OUR BED :)
    www.isabellacatography.com      www.aaralyncattery.com

Sue's Cat Enclosure (cat run)


Description: Cat Run Enclosure

Description: Outdoor Cat Run


Description: Cat Proof Fencing

This enclosure suits a more a rural setting as it blends in with the surroundings. It is made of poles and wire. The cat enclosure is very simple to put together with fencing wire and overlapping poles placed at the top of the fence. A single wire is strung and the wire attached and then tensioned.  This cat enclosure has lots of room approx - 15 metres long and 7 metres wide which gives the cats plenty of room to roam outdoors. Old branches are placed inside the enclosure for the cats to climb on. There is a cubby house for shade and beds.The cubby house has a verandah for shade in summer and shelter in winter. The cats love it! They have a pond to drink out of, and there is lots of space to explore. It is accessed from the house through a cat flap in the window, so cats have access to inside and outside.

I have never had a cat escape from this enclosure.

Sue from Osiris (V) Abyssinians





Sally's Cat House



Description: Outdoor Cat House

Description: Outside Cat House

Building Dimensions, Materials and Sources
Overall Dimensions - 12' x 20' x 10'

Labor - One boyfriend/fiancé helper – Not for sale

Roof – Because we wanted the most sun exposure for our cats, we used clear corrugated Polycarbonate roofing panels Purchased at Lowe’s. Note: If you plan to walk on the roof, use something else. Though it has served our purposes as far as translucency, it is not terribly durable for walking on and it recently rendered us rather helpless during a rescue effort to retrieve Cutie from over 100 feet up in a tall maple tree nearby!

Fountain – Three tier cedar fountain purchased from Drs. Foster & Smith for $149.99. I added a coat of stain since the fountain was placed on the end of the enclosure exposed to the elements.

For more pictures of this amazing cat house and building materials used to build it please visit:

"This is a story about a house that love built and the rescue effort through which it began. More importantly, it is a story of 13 homeless cats and their trials and triumphs in the pursuit of life, love and home."

Jan's Cat Enclosure (run)

Description: Outdoor Cat Run

Description: Outdoor Cat Run

Description: Outdoor Cat Enclosure

Description: A Contented cat in an outdoor cat run

What a great idea! The cats can exit the house via a cat flap just above the window. (see picture 1) They enter an aerial tunnel which runs through to the outdoor cat enclosure with all the mod cons a cat could ever need.

What a wonderful way to keep your cat safe while allowing them the freedom of the great outdoors

Adrian's Cat Enclosure (cat run)


Description: Outdoor Cat Run



Description: Cat Runs

Adrian's Previous House

The cat run was originally built for two longhair tabbies one ginger and white (Tim) and one tortoise shell (Tam) Brother and Sister respectively. The shade clothed fernery was originally installed to keep the sun off the house in the afternoon but was easily converted to a run for the cats by installing a gate at the southern end (as seen in the photo's). The northern end currently has a cat door into the garage which in turn is attached to the house via a standard door (no cat door due to the house alarm). From that it grew to a caged outdoor cat run along the fence which also consisted of two small cubby style house one of which has now been replaced by a large aviary style caged area (as seen in the photo's). This came about due to a recent addition to the family, a Birman cat by the name of Rascal.
Total cost about $1500 to build the enclosures for our cats.

Description: Cat Cages


Description: Cat Runs

Description: Cat Enclosures
The cats access the cat run via a cat flap in the laundry wall.
The cost of materials for this cat run set me back about $1200 
And the labor to build it was about 40 Hours

Description: Cat Runs


Sarah's Cat Enclosure (cat run)



Description: Cat Enclosures

Description: Cat Enclosures      Description: Cat Enclosures - Cat Cages - Outside Cat Runs

Description: Cat Enclosure

Description: Cat Enclosures

Photos of Sarah's amazing cat enclosure system. Her cats must get immense enjoyment from using this cat adventure land.

How much did it cost to build this cat enclosure system?
What Sarah has to say All up, I would say that we have spent about $1200 on everything so far. That includes a second hand cat enclosure system, timber for furniture which my hubby made, and actual made-to-measure furniture from an cat enclosure place.

How long did it take you to build?
We spent a full weekend outdoors putting the cat run together. Building included cutting of bricks and pulling up concrete. We have a second aerial cat run which will soon go up and we are looking at 2 more modules to connect it up on to the roof! 
Overall, we have spent about 3 weekends making cat furniture, putting up the cat run, gardening the modules, laying bricks in the module because of the appalling cat-poo smell!
You can get a lot of things made for you or you can build them yourself. I would recommend making the cat walks yourself and finding an easy plan to make your own hammocks if possible. Mind you though, the cat hammocks we got from South Australia are just amazing. They have metal outers and properly made mesh overlays. The cats just love them!! "


Marianna's Cat Enclosure (cat run)


Description: Cat Proof Fence

Marianna has made her garden a wonderful safe playground for her family of cats. A series of cat tunnels allow her cats to access the playground and Cat Gym.

Netting is placed on top of the fences to make them cat proof.

Description: Cat Tunnels

Description: Cat Tunnels

How much did it cost to build this enclosure for our cats? I bought two 50 meter rolls of bird wire to cat proof the top of the fence. They cost less than $100. I also bought four 10 meter rolls of chicken wire for the wire tunnels and the cat enclosure in the garage from the reject shop for only $8, what a bargain! I went to the local furniture factory and got off cuts for the wood needed to build the cat run. The indoor wire doors were bought at a demolition place for $10 each. We didn't have a lot of money to spend to create a run for our cats so I was always on the look out for cheap materials. For the cat furniture we got cheap off cuts of carpet. I even got the paint for the enclosure cheap at an auction.


Julia's Cat Enclosure (cat run)


  Description: Cat Enclosure

Description: Cat Enclosures

Description: Cat Enclosures - Cat Cages - Outside Cat Runs - Cat Tunnels

Description: Cat EnclosuresThe Safe Garden
A delightful garden in the UK. Read the complete story and see more photos. See how this breeder created a 'Safe Garden' for her cats by visiting her website @ www.ramesescats.co.uk/run.html  The entire garden has been made into a cat enclosure

Rameses Burmese, Tonkinese and
Old-style Siamese
from Oxford, England


Doreen's Cat Enclosure (cat run)


Description: Cat Fencing

Description: Cat Fencing

This is the cat proof fence and now some of the plants are starting to grow. Eventually it will be totally covered with plants and you won't see the wire mesh any more. We actually tore down and replaced our last fence which was cat-proofed in the same way and where the plants had totally covered the mesh, no-one even knew there was mesh there. I can't wait for the current plants to grow up now...

And here is our front gate, the little monkeys either climbed up it or jumped over it... until we put a piece of clear Perspex at the top. It is now too high to jump over, and the Perspex is too thin for them to get a grip on top, and the smooth surface of the Perspex over the wrought iron means their little paws have nowhere to grip as they climb up near the top. Very effective, and more slightly than putting mesh over the top of the gate. We drilled a few holes through the Perspex and attached it with screws and washers on both sides.


Christina's Cat Enclosure (cat run)


Description: Enclosing Patio for Cats

Photos of ChristinaEnclosed  verandah. 
A very effective Cat Enclosure

Description: Enclosing Patio for Cats

The verandah is L shaped. This is the other end. 
Cat flap is in the window

Description: Enclosing Patio for Cats

Description: Enclosing Patio for Cats

These outdoor cat runs are at the side of the enclosed verandah with a walkway between so all cats can see each other & don't get lonely. The 1st half of the  cat runs are positioned between 2 sheds & the 2nd half in the open garden. Each run is 8 metres long by 1 & half metres wide. Lots of shelves & branches for climbing.

It's hard to photograph. It is an L shaped sleeping place & a small run for females if they need to get to know the stud first. This is about 4 by 3 metres to the left. It was all quite easy to build & protected from too much hot or cold.


David's Cat Enclosure (cat run)


Description: Outdoor Cat Run

Description: Outdoor Cat Run

Description: Outdoor Cat Run

My outdoor cats can stay in here full-time as we have mild climate and the enclosure features a covered weather shelter at one end.  The blue box in the shelter is a plastic storage box with doors cut into each end, and has a cooling fan for summer (the shelter portion is in the shade ofa tree) and a heating pad for winter. 

For climbing, there are ramps leading to an elevated deck and a natural branch.  I will add more climbing features.



John and Joanne's Cat Enclosure (cat run)


Description: Outdoor Cat Run

Description: Outdoor Cat Run

Description: Outdoor Cat Run

The enclosure is around 4.8m long, 2.25 high and 1m wide. It is attached to one side of our house which we don't have much use for otherwise, and access is through our laundry door so we can let our cat out when we choose. It is constructed out of lengths of 42x19mm pine, and rolls of 900mm wide 50x50mm wire mesh. It took most of a weekend to construct and we have added some shelves for Dari to climb and sit on. We plan to find a tree trunk to put inside for him to climb, as well as some more plants in addition to the cat grass and cat mint already in there


Christine's Cat Enclosure (cat run)





This Cat Proof fence has plastic mesh. Metal is better because the squirrels chew through the plastic and I have to repair the holes. In fact they love to chew it. Maybe it feels good?

Hanging plants love the high fence as do climbers.
Although racoons can make it in and out, there is not much to attract them.


For more pictures and information please visit Christine's website.

pet enclosures are not for everyone. There are many professional outdoor cat run and enclosure builders in Australia that cater to everyone's needs. Some of them are listed below.

Pet Enclosures are available in standard sizes or custom made to your requirements. They can be purchased in flat packs or erected for you. Clear netting is another option to keep your cats safe from the outside world while still giving them access to view the great outdoors

Secure A Kat


Ask about our portable Kat Cubes, various sizes available. Supplied flat pack for easy assembly, they can be assembled using nothing more than a mallet.  Light and easy to move - ideal for smaller yards

Visit  for more information

Custom built/designed cat runs and enclosures. Made from long lasting UV stabilized PE netting, professionally installed.  An effective yet affordable method to securely enclose selected or complete areas of your property.  Ask us about DIY systems

Visit  for more information



Description: Cat Enclosure with Aerial run

Park around Tree
Shadehouse around a tree linked via an 
Aerial cat tunnel to the house.

Cat enclosures around trees! Great idea

Description: Cat Enclosures\

A Modular Cat Park is a network of galvanized (or powder coated) mesh modules that are interconnected by tunnels, beginning from the cat door in your house. Remember - one module is a cat cage and two or more is a Cat Park.

Stockists and Installers available in Brisbane (QLD), Sydney (NSW), Melbourne (VIC), Adelaide (SA), Hobart (TAS) and Perth (WA). 


Advanced Cat Enclosures (Victoria)


Description: Outdoor Cat Runs

Custom designed & built Cat Enclosures.
All shapes & sizes.
Keep your pet safe.
Accessories built to suit.
Yes we also build other pet enclosures.

Description: Outdoor Cat Run

We built our first Cat Enclosure ten years ago when we realised 
that a happy cat is not necessarily a roaming cat. Being cat lovers ourselves, we soon realized that as long as their needs are met, 
cats, can and do enjoy longer and healthier lives when safely 


Aussie Cat Enclosures

Description: Cat Walkways to the outside

Cat Enclosures available in standard sizes or custom made to your requirements. Sturdy steel construction in D.I.Y Flat Packs or assembled and installed. Cat proof netting is a specialty and can be used to close in patios, verandahs and sides of houses, even a whole back yard.

Description: Cat Tunnels

Modules can be attached to your home with tunnels using either a window box or cat door. Modules come flat packed with full easy to follow instructions for the handyman or can be fully assembled and delivered to your door.   



Cat Cages Australia


Description: Cats in their aerial walkway - Cat Enclosures

Air Walk (aerial tunnel) 
Cages and tunnels are transported Australia-wide in a flat pack configuration. However, tunnels can also be purchased at various stockists throughout Australia as you develop your cat walkway. Tunnels can be made to go under houses, through trees, along fences and balconies. The only limit is your imagination.

Description: cat tunnel

AWG2 Adventure Walk (ground) 
1.8m x 300mm x 300mm $44.00 
Check Cat Cages Australia website for current price list.




Description: Enclosed Patio for cats

Some of the many ways cat owners can choose to have Clear cat net 
installed are side awnings, garden cat enclosures, verandah sections, 
catteries, roof top stretches and free standing and portable units 
for the home or unit renter.

Description: Cat Netting Enclosing side of the house



Classic Pet Enclosures


Description: Cat Tunnels

Galvanised Outside Cat Enclosure Complete with cat tunnels and shelf for bedding. Wire cat tunnels can go from your house to the cat enclosure


Description: Outdoor cat cages

Complete with outdoor cat tunnels and a shelf for bedding. Wire cat tunnels can go from your house to the cat enclosure.  www.classicpetenclosures.com



Bandobi Pet Products  (US)


Description: Cat Out House

Move your cat's litter box (and the associated odors) outdoors! The Model L-30 Litter-Box Outhouse™ is a small outdoor enclosure with enough room for a litter box. Your cat can relieve itself outside any time it needs to do so, and yet your cat will be safely confined to a steel cage with a rust-proof plastic coating.  An adapter that connects the cage to a pet flap-door is included

Visit www.bandobi.com website for more details

This attractively styled, hexagon-shaped Outdoor Cat Enclosure features 3 platforms, arranged in a spiral staircase configuration, so your cat can climb to various heights. The enclosure also features a bronze- tinted translucent roof to provide shade from the sun and cover from rain. There is a full-size latching door so that you can add or remove play toys, change a litter box, or clean the interior platforms.




Catnets.com.au is your one-stop shop for all cat enclosure products. Whether you are looking for a freestanding cat enclosure, D.I.Y materials for a self-installation , or want a full measure and quote, we can help. Our aim is to be able to offer cat-proof netting and accessories at affordable prices, right across Australia. We sell netting by the metre, along with stainless steel wire rope, net zippers, net clips, fence brackets and more

We pride ourselves on efficient service. We aim to answer all email enquiries within 1 working day, and most orders can be dispatched same-day upon receipt of payment. We supply netting and DIY accessories Australia wide, with no minimum orders. Regardless of if you need 1m x 1m of cat net through to a large commercial cattery, www.catnets.com.au has netting to suit. We realise that no one installation (or cat) is the same, and as a result have three types of nets available to choose from.


Yates Fabrication



Quality, all steel quality cat enclosures ... your choice of powder coating colors..... Day and night enclosures available..... Full roof and enclosed end for shelter (night model)..... Two marine carpeted shelves included in the price (day and night models)..... Our enclosures consist of panels that can be added onto at any time or dismantled and moved easily if needed. Connecting tunnels also available complete with pond, waterfall, tunnel and fountain. 
Absolute luxury living for Jeanette and Murray's cats with fish to watch and tunnels to explore. 

Deluxe Cat Enclosure

Description: Outdoor Cat Enclosure
Click on pictures to enlarge

A very unique Outdoor Cat Enclosure

The cats enter it by way of a cat flap from the lounge window. They go along a short tunnel and into the cat enclosure. It has a fish pond stocked with gold fish and no, they have never caught a fish. They have a bridge that goes across the pond and a waterfall made from local rocks which has many tunnels running under the waterfall where the cats play hide and seek.

There is also a kitty litter tray hidden inside the cave under the waterfall. There is a wooden spiral staircase that takes the cats up to all levels of shelves as well as suspended shelves.

They also have a swinging bridge. A double bench is a good place to sit with the cats. The cat enclosure has a polycarbonate roof and is a good place to grow plants with a tropical feel.

The cats, kittens and ourselves spend many hours in the cat enclosure

Jeanette and Murray's British Shorthair Website. Murray is the builder of this incredible cat enclosure.  www.britzcats.com


Description: Cat Enclosures
Click on pictures to enlarge

Description: Cat Enclosure & Cat Runs

Description: Cat Enclosures
Click on pictures to enlarge

Description: Outdoor Cat Runs

Description: Outdoor Cat Run
Click on pictures to enlarge

Description: cat enclosure bridge

Description: Cat Tunnel in the Cat Enclosure

The Cat Tunnel

Description: Cat Enclosure





Of course not everyone can build such an elaborate cat enclosure but there are many other ideas on how to keep your cat safely contained. You could build a more simple cat run or have one built for you. That could mean anything from enclosing your patio to keeping your cats confined in their own yard by means of a cat proof fence. Maybe a series of cat tunnels starting at your house, and eventually leading to an outside cat house would be more suitable for you. 

Cat runs built outside your house, maybe enclosing the side of your house may be an option. Go to www.catsofaustralia.com/cat-enclosures.htm
  to see Adrian's cat enclosure and find out how to put this cat run option into practice. This is such a good idea to use space that normally would be wasted.

Marianna has a great idea with a series of cat tunnels leading to a cat play area. See it on 

There are several Australian companies who build cat enclosures and cat runs. Cat tunnels are also a great way to let your cat outside. Netting is another option. You can use the special cat netting to enclose a patio, the side of the house or anywhere you require. Links to the professional cat run and cat enclosure builders are on 

See the enclosures and cat runs that the following people have built with tips on cost and materials used @ 
www.catsofaustralia.com/cat-enclosures.htm :

Angela has a series of cat modules connected by cat tunnels and aerial runs. She describes how she built this cat enclosure, what it cost and her plans for the future.

Marianna describes how she built her outside cat run from chicken wire and second hand wood. She outlines the materials used and the cost of building her cat enclosure. She has also cat proofed her fences with wire.

Julia  has cat proofed her entire garden to keep her cats safe.

Doreen has used wire mesh on her fences to keep her cats within the confines of her yard. She intends to grow climbing plants over the mesh to give it an aesthetic appeal.

Christina has enclosed her patio with mesh and has lots of shelves and branches for her cats to climb. A cat flap in the window allows her cats to come in and out of the house.

Adrian has a shade cloth fernery along the side of his house. This was easily converted to a cool and pleasant cat enclosure. He also has enclosed the back of his house with access for the cats to go from indoors to outdoors via a cat flap and aerial tunnels.

If DIY is not your forte there are many companies who specialise in building outside cat enclosures and cat runs. Photos and links to their websites. We also have links to sites which have design plans for outdoor cat runs and cat enclosures.

Lots more Photos and ideas on how to build  cat enclosures / cat runs on  www.catsofaustralia.com/cat-enclosures.htm   



updated August 12, 2013     send email